Smokescreen V6.0
Weight Class 1lb
Weapon Vertical Spinner
Career Record 15W - 12L (55%)
Current RCL Rank:--
Name Origin: Smokescreen is named after the Normal-Type move from the main-series games. The name was chosen for my next robot build after Sandstorm suffered its first battery fire/smokeout in 2020.

SCAR - Destruction Under the Stars 17th
SCAR: Destruction Under the Stars 5th
Sin City Street Fights 1st
Titanic Takedown 4th
Smashbotz Backyard Brawl 4th
Monthly MAGlab Melee Massacre! 4th
Robot Resurrection Fight Night -
June 5th VCR Meet -
November Necrosis 2020 5th
July 4th VCR Meet -

Past Events

SCAR - Destruction Under the Stars

📅 July 20, 2024 / 📍 Walnut, CA
🔗 Website / 🏆 Bracket

Smokescreen placed 17th with a record of 0W - 2L.

Subdivision Loss
Lil Brudder Loss

SCAR: Destruction Under the Stars

📅 July 8, 2023 / 📍 Walnut, CA
🔗 Website / 🏆 Bracket

Smokescreen placed 5th with a record of 2W - 2L.

Sabre Loss
Bonk Win
Bulldawg Win
Saurian Loss

🥇 Sin City Street Fights

📅 December 10, 2022 / 📍 Las Vegas, NV
🔗 Website

Smokescreen placed 1st with a record of 1W - 0L.

Plague Rat Win

Titanic Takedown

📅 November 19, 2022 / 📍 Las Vegas, NV
🔗 Website

Smokescreen placed 4th with a record of 0W - 1L.

Meanie Mouse Loss

Smashbotz Backyard Brawl

📅 July 2, 2022 / 📍 Los Angeles, CA
🔗 Website / 🏆 Bracket

Smokescreen placed 4th with a record of 2W - 2L.

Free Throw Win
Shockwave Loss
Jeff the Robot Win
Free Throw Loss

Monthly MAGlab Melee Massacre!

📅 June 18, 2022 / 📍 Walnut, CA
🔗 Website / 🏆 Bracket

Smokescreen placed 4th with a record of 1W - 2L.

Mighty Malice Loss
Xiphos Win
Lopper Loss

Robot Resurrection Fight Night

📅 July 2, 2021 / 📍 Las Vegas, NV
🔗 Website

Smokescreen was not ranked.

Backlash Win
Breakpoint Loss
1lb Rumble -

June 5th VCR Meet

📅 June 5, 2021 / 📍 Las Vegas, NV

Smokescreen was not ranked.

Plague Rat 🏆
Plague Rat 🏆

November Necrosis 2020

📅 November 8, 2020 / 📍 Walnut, CA
📋 Report / 🔗 Website / 🏆 Bracket

Smokescreen placed 5th with a record of 3W - 2L.

Spoops Win
Blue Waffle Win
Murder Hornet Win
Pushy Wushy Loss
Propaganda Machine Loss
1lb Rumble -

July 4th VCR Meet

📅 July 4, 2020 / 📍 Las Vegas, NV
📋 Report /

Smokescreen was not ranked.

Purple Nurple 🏆
Plague Rat 🏆
Spoops 🏆